Model of the Month – Andy Kovszun @noshoes_noworries

WORDS: Andy Kovszun PHOTOGRAPHY Supplied

1. How long you been modelling for?

I have been modelling for over half my life! Started at 15, now 31.  Crazy to think at it that way actually, it’s my longest standing job haha.

2. Where are you from and your background?

I’m originally from a small island in the carribean called St.Martin. It’s half French half dutch. My mom is French and my dad is English/polish. So I guess you could say I have a European backgroup but spent most of my time growing up in the U.S and St.Martin. I Can’t complain, it was an epic childhood with lots of ocean time and pristine beaches! I moved to Paris for a few years to start university as a business student, and then eventually ended up in Sydney as an exchange student at 21 to finish my degree in Business & Journalism. It’s been 10 years in Aus and I am so proud to call it home.

3. Favourite thing about your home city?

Sydney is amazing. It’s a city by the beach. There is so much life and energy around and in it. I love the lifestyle, and the fact that people are so into their health and wellness but also love to have a good time on the weekends with good food and friends. It’s a cosmopolitan, vibrant city with a young crowd and I feel right at home here. I’m a surfer and live on the northern beaches. The vibe is more coastal and relaxed but whenever I’m in need of a change I head to the eastern suburbs or inner city and it’s a whole different energy. We also have the most beautiful coastal walks and I love that everyone spends as much time as they can outside doing any and all activities.

4. What your favourite go-to exercises for working out?

I have always been into yoga and am a qualified yoga teacher, so wherever I am I always have a special spot for a heated yoga class. I’ve recently gotten into weights and working out at a gym, which is really fun and different for me. I like feeling strong mentally and physically from it, as well as the social aspect of working out with friends. As mentioned, before I’m also an avid surfer so love to do that as much as possible however I will say I’m a bit of a fair weather surfer and the current cold snap in Sydney doesn’t get me excited to get into a wetsuit!

5. Favourite go-to healthy meal?

I cook a lot at home and I make a epic chicken noodle soup. Very wholesome and warm during the winter months. Otherwise my go-to dish at home is a grilled chicken, brown rice quinoa & haloumi spinach salad (heavy on the parmesan cheese).

6. Healthy morning ritual that you follow to start your day on a positive note?

I love my morning routine! It usually involves walking my dog with a coffee, a yoga class or workout,  and green smoothie to finish.  In summer or on a sunny winter day I will go for a swim – favourite way to start!

7. What do you love about modelling?

I have been doing it for so long now that I use to automatically say “travel”, but to be honest being on a set with a good creative team feels so rewarding.I think it’s the ease of having the past experience and confidence in your job that you know what you’re doing and you know you’re contributing to a bigger picture (literally). I love being within that creative environment and it’s one I really feel at home in.  When you’re working with a good photographer there’s usually this great flow that happens and you’re working together to create this visual representation of a moment or a brand. It’s storytelling at its finest, and really fun!

8. Tips for any upcoming models?

This job isn’t easy, contrary to what it may look like on the outside. You have to have tough skin and learn to build your confidence and self worth. It’s an absolute journey and you need to know you are in control of you, no matter what stage you’re at in life and career. It’s good to delve into different interest, diversify your skill set, and always have a back up plan. Have boundaries and understand your own values. There will be times when you are very busy and times that are quieter and it’s what you do with the quiet times that matter. Understand the importance of branding and marketing yourself. Social media is an amazing tool for that and something that can give you a leg up if you do it well. Most of all, be kind to yourself and dream big.

9. You  run Female Surfing Trips, can you tell us how you got involved in this?

The surf trips are my absolute favourite thing! I started a blog when I first moved to Sydney called No Shoes No Worries. It was initially to document my journey as a female surfer, share travel tips and everything I loved about the lifestyle. The blog grew and evolved as well as my social media and has now turned into all-girl surf trips I host through Indonesia and the Maldives. I tend to mix it in with content creation workshops and branding/marketing to give the women on my trips not only a fun time but also a look into gaining skills they can use around market themselves. It’s when I got the idea for my ebook, Pitching Paradise, which I wrote as a type of course for girls to learn the skills they need to build their own personal brand and monetize their content creation. I usually co-host with a female photographer, and we share all our tips and tricks as well as empower the girls to be their boldest, bravest selves. It’s such a rewarding process and the absolute funnest way to make new connections and girlfriends around the world. Not to mention improve your surf skills.  @saintmodelmgmt